Japanese Family Names (Surnames)

These are the top 10 surnames for certain regions in Japan, with kanji (Japanese ideographs) and common readings of that kanji. It started as a way to teach myself how to read common names but it might also be a useful reference for others. The info was taken from this site. If I doinked up a translation, uhh...I will have to put up a contact form later so you can tell me.

Many of these names won't make much sense if the kanji are read in a literal way. Such names have kanji which are used for their phonetic value instead of their semantic value. Other names make semantic sense because they relate to geographic features.

RankKanjiUsual ReadingMeaning
1鈴木Suzukibell, tree
2佐藤Satouassist, wisteria
3高橋Takahashitall/high, bridge
4田中Tanakarice paddy, center
5小林Kobayashismall, grove
6渡辺Watanabecross over, boundary
7中村Nakamuracenter, village
8伊藤Itouthat one, wisteria
9加藤Katouaddition, wisteria
10山本Yamamotomountain, base
RankKanjiUsual ReadingMeaning
1田中Tanakarice paddy, center
2山本Yamamotomountain, base
3中村Nakamuracenter, village
4吉田Yoshidagood luck, rice paddy
5松本Matsumotopine tree, base
6井上Inouewater well, above
7山田Yamadamountain, rice paddy
8山口Yamaguchimountain, mouth
9高橋Takahashitall/high, bridge
10小林Kobayashismall, grove
RankKanjiUsual ReadingMeaning
1田中Tanakarice paddy, center
2山本Yamamotomountain, base
3中村Nakamuracenter, village
4井上Inouewater well, above
5吉田Yoshidagood luck, rice paddy
6西村Nishimurawest, village
7山田Yamadamountain, rice paddy
8木村Kimuratree, village
9松本Matsumotopine tree, base
RankKanjiUsual ReadingMeaning
1佐藤Satouassist, wisteria
2高橋Takahashitall/high, bridge
3佐々木Sasakiassist, assist, tree
4鈴木Suzukibell tree
5伊藤Itouthat one, wisteria
6田中Tanakarice paddy, center
7吉田Yoshidagood luck, rice paddy
8渡辺Watanabecross over, boundary
9中村Nakamuracenter, village
10小林Kobayashismall, grove
RankKanjiUsual ReadingMeaning
1比嘉Higacompare, esteem
2金城Kinjougold, castle
3大城Ooshirogreat, castle
4宮城Miyagishrine, castle
5新垣Arakakinew, fence
6玉城Tamakijewel, castle
7上原Ueharaabove, grassland
8島袋Shimabukuroisland, bag
9平良Tairaflat, pleasant
10山城Yamashiromountain, castle

- 1/25/18: Added Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hokkaido, and Okinawa.